Well, I’m on the way back to better and smaller days. The scale is now going down again instead of up which is the way that it should be. Summers are hard on everyone I think. I’m not even in school anymore, and it just feels like I should not be dieting. It’s crazy. I have a goal to make, I’ve said that more than once in all these blogs. But now, my goal includes more than just losing a certain amount of weight before a certain event in my life. I started this blog in order to encourage other people who were going through the same things that I was going through, and to gain encouragement from those same people. I feel like you guys are doing your part, but in my opinion, I’ve slacked. I used to maintain this web site a little better, but now I have an excuse…I’m just too busy. Well, it’s an excuse…so I’m not going to hide behind excuses anymore. I’m going to try to be a better encouragement to those of you who read this. I want to start doing the recipe thing again and if you have a recipe that you’ve tried…please let us know about it. April did just the other day…then our family tried it at recipe night and it was delicious. You don’t know what you’re missing if you’ve not tried the recipes that were put on here in the earlier days of this blog. Anyways, I’m going to update tomorrow, so please look and see what our new recipe for the week will be…or month…I haven’t decided yet. I’m going to try to make it better, with new things and such, but I might have to change the address…if that’s the case, please help me spread the word once it’s done and I will make sure to post it on here as well so all can see.
Okay…on to spiritual things :).
Galatians 6:9 - And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. This is a great verse for dieters. Just look at it. What is it saying?
Let us NOT be weary in well doing. I think that we are all trying to do well by losing weight…right? So, this is a prayer that we should pray, let us not be weary in well doing. Then we see the end result…
for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. If we stick to our diets and don’t waiver (or faint), we WILL reap the benefits. I don’t know about you, but I know that I personally have already reaped some benefits…and look forward to a lot more. I hope that this prayer will constantly be on your lips throughout your dieting period. Until Next Time…Keep Looking UP for your inspiration and God Bless!!!