Well...it's been almost a full month since the last time that I posted. Sorry about that. You would think that I would have posted more without having a job, but things happen. I was going to post yesterday...but came down with that awful flu bug that's going around. Still a little under the weather, but feeling much better than yesterday. I can actually sit up today. I had no strength yesterday to do anything. I slept all day and still was able to sleep completely through the night. I know that some of you are wondering...yes...we are still having a meeting this Sunday night, the 15th. I never did get a sign-up sheet on the table, so if you would like to bring something please either email me at
jocelyn_weidel@sbcglobal.net or just leave a comment on here with your name and what you want to bring for the meeting. I hope that this update finds each of you well. I don't know if you guys even look at this site anymore because I haven't kept it up very well. But we'll see I guess :) I've been needing some encouragement myself here the last few weeks. I have fallen, and stayed down, but after my illness yesterday, I've decided to get up and start all over again. It's amazing what not eating for 1 day will do for you. I got on the scale this morning (and I've started weighing myself everyday because it works for me...others can't and that's fine. Do what is best for you). Anyways, I got on the scale this morning and according to it, I've lost 10.2 pounds since the last time I weighed (which was Tuesday). I really doubt that...I'm sure there's some other type of explanation for that, but I'm not complaining either way. I'm just going back on my diet.
To the meat of this blog. I realize that not everyone is doing weight watchers in our little "dieter's group". I would like to open up our meetings on Sunday nights. If you would like the opportunity to tell everyone what it is that you are doing or if you would just like the opportunity to encourage everyone at one of our meetings, I would be more than happy to oblige. I have always said that I didn't want this to be a weight watchers deal...I just want to be able to help others on their adventure of remodeling God's temple. If this is something that you would be interested in doing, please let me know...either by emailing me or leaving a comment, or you can tell me at church when you see me. Well, the only other thing I have to say is we've been trying to keep our meetings short (for those of you who have jobs and/or need to get home fairly quickly after church), so please come join us at our next meeting, immediately following the evening service on Sunday night, October 15. We'd love to see you there. Until Next Time...Keep Looking UP for your inspiration and God Bless!
At 7:16 PM, October 12, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I will be there Sun. I want to bring something but I am afraid if I add one more thing to my plate, I will lose it and not come back!!! Maybe I can do so next month. I would like to try. I am glad you found a job:)
At 8:53 PM, October 17, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Jogie of 8-hope your first day was great! Just wanted to let you know, that I thought of you right down to my big toe :)
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