Well, in case you haven't heard yet, I lost my job last week. I've been kinda bummed and I've been kinda bummin'. but I'm ready to get up and start again. I haven't been cheating on my diet, which is a good thing, but I've neglected some things. One of those things I neglected is posting on the blog. I was privileged to go to the Women's Prayer Circle yesterday and enjoyed getting to fellowship with some of the ladies that I don't get to fellowship with often. I also had the privilege of bringing to the devotion to the ladies at the meeting. I spoke on the price of a woman. We are all rubies in our households and you have to choice of what kind of ruby you will be. Are you going to be a dim and dull ruby or are you going to sparkle and shine? It doesn't matter what we look like on the outside, those that love us, love us unconditionally. What matters is what our heart looks like. I did an acrostic with the word PRICE. We first learned about the PRICE of being Precious. We are precious in God's sight and worth precious things to those around us. Then we learned about the PRICE of a Ruby. Proverbs 31:10 states that a virtuous woman's price is far above rubies. We can't even be compared to a ruby (and I don't know about you, but I think rubies are gorgeous), but we are worth more than rubies to God. Next was the PRICE of inner character. That's what I was talking about in the very beginning of this blog. It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, it's your heart attitude and your inner character that people see the most. Next to last was the PRICE of being costly. Just like Mary broker her bottle of costly ointment and washed the feet of Jesus with it, we need to share our costly ointments with those around us. Our children are costly ointments and we need to make sure that we fill their bottles with our own costly ointments as well. The main thing I talked about yesterday was the PRICE of Enjoyment. I talked about enjoying our children while we still have them. If you didn't enjoy your own children, enjoy your grandchildren or someone else's children (with their permission of course). We need to enjoy our children on a daily basis and let them know that you are enjoying them. We need to enjoy the memories of what it was like to be a child by reliving some childhood things (going to the park and feeding the ducks or playing in the bathtub again). More than anything, however, we need to Enjoy LIFE because if you're not enjoying your own life...how can you possibly enjoys someone else's. If you are depressed all the time because your diet won't work, or you don't like the way you look...you need a pick me up. Go do something nice for yourself. Spend some time with a friend or with the ladies from the church. It's a great time of fellowship and encouragement...and you get to encourage others as well. I hope that this helped some of you who might be in a rut.
Please don't forget that our next meeting will be September 24th. I will have a sign up sheet in the foyer of the church for you guys to bring something to the meeting. (I promise I'll have it there...I don't have a job, so I have nothing else to do :) Anyways, please sign up and I hope to see everyone there. Until Next Time...Keep Looking UP for your inspiration and God Bless!!!
At 7:58 PM, September 13, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I love the pink. I heard about your job. When I think about it, I feel excited for you being able to move on to something better:) Do you have a heart's desire that you can now fulfill? I pray that something enjoyable and worthy of your life and skills comes along for you! I will be at the next meeting. Sign me up to bring a turkey dish, as I will forget to check the table (won't be able to do the WW points but that can be done there.) Thanks for the reminder to enjoy the kid, sometimes I forget and get bogged down with the daily chores and errands. If you want to get together and go for a walk or something, the weather's been great.
PS-still love the pink
At 6:02 PM, September 14, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Sorry to hear about your job. I'm sure it is a blessing in disguise. Wasn't this the same company that Becky was working for?
At the next meeting I'm bringing Brownie in a Cup and Dreyers homemade vanilla icecream - Oh My Goodness!
At 8:12 PM, October 10, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Are we still meeting on the 15th? I'm planning on being there.
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