Good morning. Once again I am reminded of the struggles and hardships of life. I have to apologize, yet again, for the lapse in time of doing this blog. I know that personally, I struggle when I don’t do it. When I’m on top of things and I’m doing this on a regular basis, I feel guilty for cheating or whatever else I might do. When I am doing this blog, it holds me accountable for my actions. I don’t want to be a hypocrite saying things to encourage you guys, and yet not take the encouragement to heart. So, I’ve not been a very good girl lately, which is why it’s been such a long time since I last wrote you. I am back, though, I can’t promise that I will encourage everyday (because sometimes I just don’t get up early enough to do it and I can’t do it at work, and by the time I get home most of you are done eating so where’s the encouragement in that, right? J ). Anyways, enough of my excuses, I am back on my diet. I need the accountability as much as I hope you need the encouragement. I can’t be made to feel guilty when doing this blog if I’m practicing what I preach. Which leads me into our scripture for today. John 3:17 – for God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world THROUGH HIM, might be saved. As I have already said, so many times I feel guilty when I don’t do this blog, or when I do it and don’t practice what I preach. I know that you guys wouldn’t condemn me (or at least I hope you wouldn’t), but I still feel guilty. So many times, people get discouraged on diets because they fail. And every time they fail, they have people “condemning” them for failing. I don’t ever want this to happen with our ladies. I want us all to be an encouragement to each other. Just remember that if someone is doing this, Christ will never condemn. He will always love and support you no matter what happens. As Mrs. Holmes said last night (for those of you who were there), We Are Fearfully and WONDERFULLY made. Praise God for that. Until next time, Keep Looking UP for your inspiration and God Bless!!!
At 10:28 AM, August 19, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Thanks once again for your words of wisdom. I too have been trying again. This is a blogspot so we could continue to communicate with each other, even if the site has not been updated.
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