So many times I find myself worrying. I worry about positively everything. I worry about losing enough weight to be healthy, I worry about my family, friends, etc, and I worry about putting someone out. I don’t want people to go out of their way in order to help me. I feel bad when I have to ask for a favor, I don’t want people to think I’m using them. This becomes a habit in my everyday life and then it pours over into my spiritual life. Our church family and our pastor are there for us to bounce ideas off of and to keep us going in the right direction spiritually, but I know personally, I’m so busy trying to do it all on my own. When times get really tough, it is then that I finally realize that I don’t have to do it by myself. If there is no one else around, I still have my Creator that I can lean upon and count on to help me through whatever it is I am going through. The thing is, I need to remember before I stress out and go crazy.
Hebrews 4:16 - Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. We are commanded to come boldly before the throne of grace that we may find mercy. 2 terms that I love the most are mentioned here. Grace, God gives us what we DON’T deserve, and Mercy, God doesn’t give us what we DO deserve. We’re not supposed to cower before God, NO, He says to come boldly with your requests. When you need help, let Him know…not that He doesn’t already know, but He patiently waits for us to ask. He will never step in where He is not wanted (even though He might want to in order to protect His children), but He will only intervene when asked. Ask boldly and remember that you don’t have to do this alone.
We had another meeting, Thank you Joyce for heading it up. You are a blessing. We were down in attendance, but I was glad to see those that did come. We lost a collective 17 pounds…it is always encouraging to lose as a group. I hope to see all of you at the next meeting. I’m not sure when it will be, but I will let you know as soon as a decision has been made. Thank you once again for all who attended and to Joyce for challenging our brains with a little reminder quiz. Until Next Time…Keep Looking UP for your inspiration and God Bless!
At 7:48 PM, June 28, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Sorry for bailing out on Sunday, During church I started getting a bad headache so I headed home. Unfortunately I would not have added to the weight loss, but tomorrow's a new day. Jana I don't know how you do it, working, going to school, and taking care of a family. I'm impressed. Jocelyn thanks again for the blog, it really does help knowing that someone else is feeling your "pain".
At 3:12 PM, June 29, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I agree with Vickyb. Thank you so much. Your words are always right on track. I wonder if there is a worrier's anonymous-LOL?! Maybe we should start one-:) Bethany loves little kids. I don't work. If you need help or time, we are available for Kiley.
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