HBC Less of Me

This is a page for the people of Heritage Baptist Church to go on a day to day basis to receive encouragement from brothers and sisters in Christ. I hope that you will end your search for a friendly church by visiting Heritage Baptist Church!

Friday, June 23, 2006

I will not be a Slave to you!!!

So many times we get discouraged, and as you guys know…I am completely honest in doing this…so I have to be honest. I went a cheating binge…about 2 weeks worth (I know, you’re thinking that’s nothing), but this is part of the reason that I have not updated this page in almost 2 weeks. I feel hypocritical if I’m trying to help you spiritually with your weight, when I am not practicing what I preach. I am back on the bandwagon, and to be quite honest with you…I think my body needed that 2 weeks hiatus. I had gained back about 4 pounds, and since Tuesday (when I went back on), I’ve lost 5 pounds. Sometimes our bodies need to be reset just like the clocks that hang on our wall. Our physical battery runs down, and it has to be replaced and reset to make up for “lost time”. Our bodies hit a dead-end and need a break. I know now that I shouldn’t be ashamed for falling off my weight loss wagon, but I need to stand up, dust myself off and get back on with more passion and fervor than I did before. It’s not how you fall off…it’s not how long you stay off…it’s if you pick yourself up and jump back on that matters the most. Galatians 4:7 Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. Sometimes we become a slave to our body and if it’s not our body, then it’s our weight loss program. DO NOT allow yourself to become a slave to either of these things. The only person you need to please is God. Remember that in the Psalms, God tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made…not awefully and scarily. We are beautiful in God’s eyes and once you begin to see how wonderful that is…you will not worry about what others think of you anymore.

Please do not forget that our next Less of Me meeting is this Sunday night June 25, 2006, right after evening service. There is a sign-up sheet on the back table if you would like to bring something…otherwise, there will be no food this meeting. Until next time…Keep Looking UP for your inspiration and God Bless!!!


  • At 9:09 PM, June 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I can totally relate to this "falling off the wagon" thing. I'm having a very hard time with being at home this summer. As long as I stay busy I'm okay but if I'm just sitting around the house, I feel like I need to be eating a bag of chips or something. So don't feel bad, we've all been there.

  • At 8:22 PM, June 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I too have been off the wagon. I have gained back six pounds, UGH. I am very disappointed in myself. I am not sure what made me stop; it's like all of a sudden, my desire was gone and I withdrew. Sorry I have not been more supportive and that I have been so selfish!! I will try harder tomorrow.



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