I was told to do something for myself this week…I took it the wrong way. As I sit here with my pint of Blue Bell Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream J (not diet), I realize that I have not only fallen off the wagon…I rolled to the cliff and jumped off the edge. I am revolting. I JUST DON’T WANT TO DIET ANYMORE…ONE MORE DAY OF DIETING AND I THINK I’LL EXPLODE!!! Then I realize that my attitude, once again, is wrong. Once again, I have decided to take my life (and weight) into my own hands and I ripped that position right out of God’s hands. I quit doing the things that I should do (like asking God for the strength to put down the ice cream) and I’m doing everything that I shouldn’t. Have you ever felt like this??? They say you seldom succeed if you don’t want it bad enough. I’ll tell you…I want it bad enough, but unfortunately…I want it NOW!!! I don’t want to have to wait for it. I’m impatient, but I’m working on that. Like we’ve said a million times before…you didn’t gain in a week, you’re not going to lose it in a week either. It took you years to get where you are and it might just take that long to get rid of it as well (I sure hope not…but it might). At this point, I almost think my goal is to put on what I’ve already lost as quickly as possible and then some. I don’t want to, but it’s just so much easier to put the weight on than it is to take it off. I wish I was one of those girls that couldn’t eat when she was stressed, but that’s not me. I eat…eat…and then eat again. J Have you ever felt like the lady in this next story? Another diet. Carla had tried so many times, and she had never come close to succeeding. She wasn't even sure why she was trying again. She knew it would be good for her to lose weight, but she felt beaten before she even began. What would make this time any different from the rest? I know that this is exactly how I feel right now. The diet I’m on it a great diet…that’s the only difference that I think there is between me and this story. I can still have whatever I want…in moderation. I just need to get back on and stick to it. My biggest thing is I set goals and then when I don’t reach them, I get discouraged, when I should be looking up and saying, “Alright God…what’s next?” Well, I’m going to quit babbling for now, but I’m hoping that there will be less of me by the end of this year…how about you?
By the way...we tried a new recipe on Sunday night at the meeting. It's a milk shake. Take about 5 or 6 ice cubes, 1 cup of Fat Free milk, 2 TBSP of whatever kind of sugar free fat free jello pudding mix that you like, a couple drops of vanilla, and about a TBSP of whipped topping. Blend it all together until it's smooth and you've got a milk shake that it wonderful. Our next meeting is going to be September 24. It's the last Sunday of the month. I'll let you know if this changes. Until Next Time…Keep Looking UP for your inspiration and God Bless!!!
At 8:12 PM, August 30, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I really enjoy reading your updates as they are almost always a direct reflection of where I am in my process (although, I was eating bags of chocolate weeks ahead of your ice cream disclosure :))
You know what I was just thinking? Part of the purpose of your postings is more than just disclosure, it is to get us to think and reflect. This HBC group is our support group. I don't know about you, but it is my primary support system in this process. So I am reflecting and wondering why am I not utilizing it to its fullest potential?! Remember, it is at those times when the ice cream is in our hands that we need to contact each other and pray for each other or listen or get together or whatever. God does not want us to do this alone or this group would have never begun. It is most important to call upon him in our hour(endless hours if you're me) of need, but also to use the tools that he has provided to us. Please feel free to call upon me if you need to.
Remember too that there is a difference between doing something for yourself and doing something to take care of yourself.
In Christ, with love,
At 7:28 PM, September 12, 2006,
Anonymous said…
just thinking about ya!
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