I'm the worst at trying to prove people wrong. They say I can't do it...I don't have the self-control to do better believe I'm going to try to prove them wrong. What am I trying to prove? What are you trying to prove? Does it matter what others think of you? The only person who matters is God. God believes in you believe that? Sometimes it's hard to believe that God could actually believe in us, but He does. When noone else does, He does. Mark 9:23 - Jesus said unto him, 'If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. God loves you and He wants you to succeed in everything you do...even weight loss. Next time you worry about what someone else is going to think about you when you fall off the band wagon, just know that God doesn't care. He wants you to stand up...dust yourself off, and get back on the band wagon. Also, please remember that your friends here at HBC Less of Me are here for you as well. We love you and we want to see you succeed. You want to know why we want you to succeed? Because we too are trying to succeed. Let's remember to encourage one another. If you notice that one of your brothers or sisters are feeling down, or looking down, go and lift them up. Ask them how you can pray for them. This is just a reminder that our next Less of Me meeting is May 21. There will be a sign up sheet on the table in the foyer for those who want to sign up to bring something. Please help us out...we don't want the same people to feel like they need to bring something each time. Also remember that this is just a "taste test"'s not a come and eat all you can and get full. Hope to see you all there. Until next time...Keep Looking UP for your inspiration and God Bless.
At 8:45 AM, May 01, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I was just thinking this same thought today. It is uncanny how your writings are often a reflection of what I have been pondering. Coincident? I think not. God knows what he is doing.
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