I got to thinking this weekend...how much time do I spend thinking about food? When will I eat next and how much will I eat? Where will I eat? So often, we even think about the next meal before we're even done with our meal. But how often do I think about God. When will I spend time with Him next? I think sometimes we look at food as something that we need to keep us alive...and while this is true, we should not let this be our excuse to worship the food that we eat. I want you to think about this...How much time do spend with God in a Week? In prayer?...In His Word?...Doing His Work? Now, how much time do you spend thinking about food, in a DAY?...eating it?...thinking about your next meal?...Wondering where you will eat lunch? Now how does this compare? If you do not spend as much or more time with God in a day than you do thinking about food, or actually indulging in food, then your priorities are a little off. I want you to try something out for me. I only want you to eat 3 times a week...yes I said a week, not a day. I want you to eat a meal on Sunday morning, then another meal on Sunday night, and yes, of course, one meal half way through the week on Wednesday night. Do you think you would make it? Of course not. The only time we eat this rarely is when we are fasting for some reason. But, if you think about it, we're starving ourselves of the spiritual food God has provided for us because we only allow ourselves to be fed 3 times a week when the pastor spoon feeds it to us. We are starving spiritually because we only eat 3 times a week, and even some of those meals are questionable. Not because the pastor isn't doing his job, but because some people don't allow themselves to get full on the Word of God that is being presented. Matthew 6:25 - 'Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?' We should never get to the point of thinking about food all the time that it becomes an idol in our lives. Let's remember this tonight as we fellowship together and enjoy our "kitchen swap". We'll have a great time of food and fellowship, and worship together. Have a Great day, until next time...Keep Looking UP for your inspiration and God Bless!!!
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