HBC Less of Me

This is a page for the people of Heritage Baptist Church to go on a day to day basis to receive encouragement from brothers and sisters in Christ. I hope that you will end your search for a friendly church by visiting Heritage Baptist Church!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Hard Times

Okay, so I have to admit that this past week was very hard for me. I'm very lucky that I didn't gain back everything I've already lost. Do you ever get to the point where you just want to quit dieting and eat anything and everything in sight??? That was last week for me. But Sunday night's meeting was so encouraging to me. It gave me a new excitement. I think this is really going to work and that excites me and I tell you what else it does for me. It gives me a new passion to lose weight. I hope it does this for everyone. I want to make you guys proud of me and I want to share in that as well with each one of you. We have to encourage each other throughout the weeks ahead. If somebody falls off the wagon, let's love them until they get back on. I know that a lot of times, we have a bad attitude towards dieting, but just like Joyce said Sunday night...Please, Please, Please, don't think of it as a diet. Think of it as a Life change. You'll understand how important and how key your thoughts are in changing your life once you've hit your first goal, and your next goal and finally your final goal. Our verse for today is Romans 7:15 - For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. This verse can be very confusing, but what Paul is saying here, is that he does not allow himself to do the things he is supposed to do, but the things that he's not supposed to do, he does them. To me, this is saying that we know what we have to do in order to remodel the temple of God, but we don't allow ourselves to do it (because of our thought process). And the things that we're not supposed to do (like cheating, not exercising, grumbling about being on another diet, etc.) we're doing. We need to change our minds, and in doing so, change our thought processes. I'm not going to harp on this any longer, but I just wanted to encourage you with that verse. Isn't it wonderful that our God is patient with us when we need it the most??? God is Good!!!

Change of Subject...If you did not get to be at the meeting Sunday night, you missed out. We had a great time of fellowship and learned a lot from Joyce about changing your life style. Some of the recipes that we ate are already at the church and ladies, if you brought something and we didn't get a copy of your recipe, please bring it tonight so we can make copies for everyone. Everything we ate was wonderful...your family will be on a diet and not even know it because the food is that good. Well, I won't keep you any longer. Have a Blessed day and until next time...Keep Looking UP for you inspiration and God Bless!!!


  • At 8:27 AM, April 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I completely agree with everything you said. I know that one of the things that I am currently working on is changing my thinking and my responses (emotional or eating) to situations. It is hard to do all of the emotional work that is required to change our lifestyles, yet without these changes, we will not be successful. It is difficult to search through our lives and our life events that lead us to make poor choices/coping skills around food; oftentimes, it is very painful. I am glad to be part of a support group to get through this. Thanks for the inspiration.



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