Caught With Your Hand in the Cookie Jar???
Hi All. I love It is a very encouraging website for me. I get the dieters devotional email every morning and honestly, it is where I get a lot of my inspiration for the subjects on this website. This morning was very wonderful. They give a thought for the day in each devotional, and this was today's thought for the day: "If you cheat, you lose everything but weight!" This is so true, but we can't let this discourage us when we do fall into temptation. It happens, we're only human, so we know that the temptations will be there and we know that sometimes, we just will not be strong enough to fight them. The verse for today is James 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. Next time you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar, just remember that we are supposed to cleanse our hands (keep our hands clean) and purify our hearts (keep your eyes on God). If we will remember to draw nigh to God instead of focusing on the diet we're on, or the food we eat, we will be a lot better off. God is better than any diet we could ever put ourselves on. I've said this once before, but I will say it again, If you focus on the diet, you will never succeed. You have to set your mind on the future. What is going to become of you being on this diet. It's not about how you look in your dress, it's not about what people are going to think of you. None of that matters, What matters is the fact that we glorify God in everything we do, Everything we eat...EVERYTHING!!! I Corinthians 10:31 - Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God! It doesn't say, "do all to the glory of God as long as you look good" No it says "whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God" PERIOD!!! We should strive to be more like Christ whether we're 90 pounds or 390. However, we are also told that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost and we are not our own. I Corinthians 6:19 - What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? (I'm preaching at myself today...can you tell??? :) I got on my soap box today and talked your "eyes" off just to say this. It is VITALLY IMPORTANT, that WE encourage EACH OTHER on our pathway to remodeling the temple of God. We need to take care of this temple that God has trusted us with, and in order to do that, I believe HE has left the church family here to encourage one another to stay healthy and positive. Well, I'm just about done on my soap box for today, just a few other things. I wanted to inform all of you that the Susan G. Comen's "Race/Walk for the Cure" is coming up on April 15. I know, I day, but it is so refreshing to get up early in the morning, and take a leisure walk with friends and family and know that you are walking FOR something or Someone. We have so many survivors in our church and I'm sure some of you even in your families. The Turners and Weidels/Monroes go every year and we Truly have a BLAST. I want to invite all of you this year. You really don't have to do anything but show up, but if you want to support the Walk, you can pay the $25 registration fee. You get a shirt and a numbered bib to walk. The babies (Samantha, Kiley and perhaps Gracey) will all be there in their Pink Ribbon outfits. I can't wait to see them. Anyways, this is a great opportunity to get in some wonderful exercise outside. We usually walk come rain or come shine. Please join's awesome to see how many people show up every year. AND FINALLY!!! (yes we're almost done) don't forget about our first EVER meeting on April 9. Sunday night after the evening service. There will be a sign up sheet for 4-5 people to bring their favorite dish and recipe cards for all who come. This list will be there this coming Sunday. So please sign up. ONLY 4-5 people, so it's first come first serve. Have a Great day and Keep Looking UP for your inspiration and God Bless!!!
At 4:04 PM, March 24, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Hey! It's good to see my favorite daughter-in-law joining in!!!! It's really neat to see everyone at church losing weight! You're all lookin' good!!!!
At 8:00 PM, March 24, 2006,
Anonymous said…
We are all just trying to keep up with the preacher's wife. I don't like standing next to you and looking like a cow :) Just kidding. I really DREAM of being your size. I'm seeing results so that is encouraging but lately I've been wanting to eat everything in sight, you think I can blame it on hormones like everything else??? Hmmm, a cookie that sounds pretty good right now. I made the 1 point choc chip and the chewy choc cookies from last week's recipes and their are FABULOUS!!!! If you haven't tried the brownie in the cup with some S/F ice cream you have got to give it a try.
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