Weekend Rain!!!
Hello All!!! Let me apologize for the weekend hiatus. It was a busy weekend with my new job hours and such. And then Jana and I cleaned the whole house on Saturday. If you were at the Missions banquet last night, I know you probably cheated...as I did. I had to eat some baklava, but I looked it up online, and it said that homemade baklava was only 4 points, so Carol, Bring it on :) Anyways, Bro. Russell Brinklee brought a great message last night, that's for sure. He used a verse that I'm going to use today because it is just dynamic. Jeremiah 1:19 - And they shall fight against thee; but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the LORD, to deliver thee. That verse is such a blessing because it really does remind me of fighting the battle of the bulge. There are temptations at every corner, and sometimes we slip and fall, but that doesn't mean we have to stay down. We need to get back up because according to this verse, they won't prevail against us. God is with us and He will deliver us from this battle. He will deliver us out of their hands. So please don't give up like I have wanted to do everytime I have a set back. Keep going, because as long as you keep God in charge of your life and your weight loss, THEY will NEVER prevail against GOD!!!
I'm sure if you are anything like me, the rain kind of put a damper on your weekend. It seemed to come down in sheets at some points, but even when we think it's annoying and gets in the way, we should be thankful for the rain. We need it so very much. It reminded me a lot of cleansing out bodies. Sometimes we wait so long to do it, that by the time we actually do, we have to have the rain come down in sheets. We need to make sure that as a family of people, remodeling their temples, we need to encourage each other on this path. We need to make sure that we have our noses in God's Word, because He is our only source of encouragement at times. I hope you all have a good day today. Keep Looking UP for your inspiration...and God Bless!!!
At 9:11 AM, March 20, 2006,
Anonymous said…
The rain sure did leave everything feeling fresh today. We went to the park for a morning walk but it was flooded. Instead we went for a walk around the neighborhood. The air and sunshine felt extra good after being cooped up all weekend. Walking on the treadmill just isn't the same as being outside. I feel more hopeful after being out. I guess it's like the saying from pain comes pleasure. We have to take the good with the bad and when we do, the good is extra good. It seems like a reminder to appreciate what we have and enjoy.
Heather Matthews
At 2:46 PM, March 23, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I don't know which sight you went to but I went ahead and figured out the points according to the ingreadents I used in the Baklava and will break it down for you. (this is for one serving)
Fiber Cal Fat Points
Phylo 1 180 1.5 4
Butter 0 100 11 3
Honey 0 60 0 1
Syrup 0 240 0 5
Walnuts 1.4 172 16.1 4
Sugar 0 15 0 0
Total: 17 points for a 4" piece
I also looked up frozen Baklava and one 4" piece is 14 points.
Just thought I'd better let you know.
I'm trying to get into all the counting but it's a little hard right now with having to calculate all the stuff for Brendon and Kenzie. My brain is just having a hard time keeping all the numbers seperated so I'm just kinda taking it easy on me and not "counting points" right now. Thanks for all the prayers and encouragement.
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