Hi All, sorry about the lack of updatage yesterday. I got up early enough to update, but I spent my "update" time trying to get Jana out of the bathroom. For whatever reason, door knobs don't like her, and she tends to get locked into rooms and yesterday it was the bathroom. We finally had to call preacher to come and rescue her. So all is well and I'm updating again. You know, the older we get the more we learn. The more certain things happen to us, the better we learn to deal with it. The first time Jana got locked in a room, she panicked, she screamed and thought she would never make it out alive. The next time, she was just a little worried maybe, but yesterday, she was as calm as she could be and we laughed about it. Sometimes dieting is just like that. The first time things don't go your way, you panic, maybe scream a little and thing you'll never succeed...you'll never make it out alive. The next time you cry a little and maybe worry that everyone was right about you. Soon, you'll get to the point where you will realize that if you have God on your side, it's going to be okay. Nothing can stop you. Things might slow you down, like splurging, or getting a little off track (as we tend to do in dieting), but as long as the Lord is with you, you can't lose. He told us that He would never leave us or forsake us...do you really think He meant it in dieting??? I just don't know....HELLOOOOO!!!!! YES, He meant that in dieting...He meant that in every area of our lives. Even when the people around you seem to be dropping weight like it was extra clothing and you're at a stand still, Hebrews 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, 'I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.' God wants us to be content in what we have, he wants us to know that He will never leave us or forsake us. Well, this is all I have for today, I hope that helped. Keep Looking UP for your inspiration, and God Bless!!!
At 2:24 PM, March 22, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Well, it's always good to get a good laugh first thing in the morning--thanks, Jana!! I did think...hey, at least Jana can't eat much locked in the bathroom, but I understand her breakfast was served to her "under" the bathroom door!!!! Where there's a will there's a way.
At 7:54 PM, March 22, 2006,
Anonymous said…
What could possibly be served under the door?????????
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